What is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread pain in the muscles and skeletal tissue, as well as fatigue, sleep issues, memory and mood issues, also known as “Fibro fog.” It is more common in women and its symptoms can sometimes begin after physical trauma, surgery, or infection, but often gradually accumulate over time with no singular cause.

Symptoms of Fibromyalgia:

  • Widespread pain on both sides of the body, above and below the waist
  • Fatigue, disrupted sleep, and feelings of tiredness and low energy
  • Cognitive difficulties, including difficulty with focus and concentration, also known as “Fibro fog”

Treatment options for Fibromyalgia:

  • Antidepressants to raise levels of serotonin and norepinephrine to help control pain
  • Anti-seizure medications to prevent nerves from sending too many pain signals to the brain
  • Muscle relaxers to reduce pain and tenderness in joints and bones and improve sleep

It is important to get treatment for Fibromyalgia as soon as possible, as the pain and lack of sleep can affect daily functioning. It is best to avoid prescription pain medication, as they typically do not work and can be addictive. A combination of medications and proper exercise and relaxation can make living with Fibromyalgia more tolerable.

Causes of Fibromyalgia:

  • Genetics, as the disorder tends to run in families
  • Infections that may trigger or worsen the condition
  • Physical or emotional trauma, such as a car accident or psychological stress

If you have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and are looking for new treatment options, consider participating in a clinical research study. Don’t suffer in silence – speak with a doctor to find the best course of action for you.