2024 Year in Review - IMA Research
Patient Outreach Center:

2024 Year In Review

IMA Clinical Research: 2024 Year in Review

As 2024 comes to a close, we reflect on a year filled with growth, milestones, and opportunities that have laid the foundation for an even stronger 2025. From celebrating our team’s achievements to expanding our footprint in clinical research, this year highlighted our commitment to innovation and excellence.

To start, we proudly recognize the achievements of our team. At the PharmaTimes Clinical Researcher of the Year competition, two of our Clinical Research Coordinators received top awards, underscoring their dedication to the field. We were also honored as 1st Runner-Up for the Participant Engagement Award (PEA)at SCOPE, and named finalists for the SCRS Excellence in Patient Centricity Award.

2024 also marked a year of exciting growth and meaningful transitions. We welcomed Dr. Grant Garbo (San Antonio) and Dr. Nasim Amjadi (Las Vegas) to our network, bringing their experience and expertise to our network.

At the same time, we celebrated the careers of retiring colleagues Dr. Robert Falcone, Dr. Charles Andrews, Dr. John Holcomb, and Jeb Andrews, whose contributions have left a lasting impact on research and on the people they led.

Additionally, our Austin, St. Petersburg and New York City sites also underwent successful relocations and expansions, positioning us to better serve our patients in these regions.

Finally, we continue to demonstrate resilience and adaptability, achieving significant growth and laying the groundwork for next year’s success. By embracing innovation and staying aligned with our mission, we turn industry-wide obstacles into opportunities, driving positive outcomes for both our team and the patients we serve.

As we step into 2025, our focus remains on expanding access to clinical research to underserved populations while upholding the highest standards of care and professionalism within research. With the continued support of our exceptional team, sponsors, and participants, we are poised to make an even greater impact in the year ahead.

From all of us at IMA Clinical Research, thank you for being part of our journey. Here’s to a healthy, happy and successful 2025!

-Dr. Mark Weinberger, President and CEO

Join A Clinical Trial

Free Liver Screens

Concerned about your liver health? Folks with a BMI over 27 may qualify for a free liver scan. 

Sign up at the following locations: Austin TX, San Antonio TX, Warren NJ, New York City NY, & Westchester NY. 

Memory Loss Clinical Trials

Concerned about memory loss? Adults 55 and older may qualify for a memory loss clinical trial. Compensation offered for time and travel. 

Enrolling at: Albuquerque, NM and San Antonio, TX. 

Depression Clinical Trials

You may qualify for one of our clinical trials to help advance options for future generations. Compensation offered for Time and Travel.  

Currently enrolling in Hickory NC, Monroe LA, Albuquerque NM, Phoenix AZ, & Las Vegas NV.

Obesity Clinical Trials

You may qualify for one of our clinical trials. Compensation offered for Time and Travel.  

Currently enrolling in Warren NJ, St. Petersburg FL, Austin TX, San Antonio TX, Morgantown WV, Lenoir NC, and Monroe LA.